Workers Comp and Auto Clearinghouse
Single source, all-payor partner for Ebilling Services
With industry-leading access to the largest network of workers comp and auto payors, you are able to more effectively submit all your bills and supporting documents, streamlining your eBilling process and significantly reducing your per-bill charges. Simplify the process of submitting bills and supporting attachments while reducing USPS mailings and increasing billing accuracy. We bridge connectivity gaps and allow providers, payors, and vendors to communicate electronically to process the claim.
Solution Features
- Reduce hard costs like postage, claim forms, ink, envelopes, and other mailing expenditures
- Automatically pre-audit bills for potential errors before submission to a payor, increasing first pass bill pay
- Bill status verification within 24-72 hours from submit date to payor
- Faster processing and payment time-frame, normally around 15-21 days